Saturday, December 3, 2011

#MER in the future

Hello #MER,
It's been some time since we did regular posts, we appreciate the off line discussion. As 2012 approaches, we are gearing up for just that, weekly then more frequesnt postings of our discussions.

We have decided to aggregate #MER links and focus on the Syrian question via the MER blog. We will focus with a watchful eye on Israel, Syria, and the relations between them and in the larger Middle East theater including the resurgent Arab League and Turkey.

We welcome all web feedback but reserve the right to edit. Please respect the rights of others to speak freely. We are here to help solve problems, not add to them.


Syria opposition leader: We would drop Iran, Hezbollah ties - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


Syria opposition leader: We would drop Iran, Hezbollah ties - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

#MER #politics